Longman Handy Learner's Dictionary of American English. LDOCE by Pearson English Language Teaching.3.1 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.2 Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus.The free online version was updated in 2008 and offers search (with spelling assistance), definitions, collocations, and many examples and illustrations. The 9000 Most Important English Words to Learn have been highlighted via the Longman Communication 9000.

It now offers over a million corpus examples (exceeding the paper version's), and includes sound files for every word, 88,000 example sentences, and various tools for study, teaching, examinations and grammar. The dictionary is currently in its sixth edition. Reduced online version with no access charge (called "free" but technically "gratis": the license is still proprietary).Printed book plus premium online access.The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ( LDOCE), first published by Longman in 1978, is an advanced learner's dictionary, providing definitions using a restricted vocabulary, helping non-native English speakers understand meanings easily.